
Received Best Paper Award at HRI2024!

Our work, Generative Expressive Robot Behaviors using Large Language Models, received a Best Paper Award (Technical Track) at this year’s HRI!

Paper accepted to HRI 2024!

The work I conducted while working as a student researcher at Google Deepmind has been accepted to HRI 2024.

Started student researcher position in the robotics team at Google Deepmind.

I will be focusing on an HRI-related project.

3 papers accepted to CHI 2023!

3 papers accepted including one first author paper on querying spatial design recordings, a project I worked on during an internship at Autodesk Research. More details to follow.

Awarded Google PhD Fellowship in HCI

I am thrilled to announce that I have been named a Google PhD fellow in HCI to support my thesis work on human-robot interaction.

Paper accepted to UIST 2022!

Initial details below.

Best Paper Honorable Mention Award at CHI 2021

Ecstatic to announce that our CHI 2021 paper has received a Best Paper Honorable Mention Award. Congrats to all the co-authors!